Tattoo artist Peter Aurisch for 100FOR10

Based in a quiet undisclosed studio a short train ride outside of downtown Berlin, artist Peter Aurisch creates some of the most original tattoos in the city —and berlin is a place with 2,000 estimated tattoo artists!

Based in a quiet undisclosed studio a short train ride outside of downtown Berlin, artist Peter Aurisch creates some of the most original tattoos in the city —and berlin is a place with 2,000 estimated tattoo artists!

To keep his ideas fresh and original, he may only begin planning a new piece of artwork when the client arrives. He tends to work freehand without sketches or source imagery, he draws inspiration from stories and details provided by customers instead. Peter’s studio is called Johnny Nevada, he takes only a single appointment daily.

You can get his amazing book VAKANTIE here.

Interview with Matteo Bertin

Matteo Bertin is an italian based art director who designs experiences to improve communication among people. Because of his experimental approach to design his studio is packed with movable types and old printing machines.
Matteo believes that focusing on the design method rather than the final result can be the right choice to guarantee better and long-lasting products.

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