Interview with artist Petra Dočekalová

Petra Dočekalová studied Type Design and Typography at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. Her main fields of interest is editorial work like Typo9010 which won several awards all over the world. Besides being a type designer, Petra is a passionate sign painter and lettering artist, always working on new (digital) scripts. She received TDC Award of excellence for her diploma project dealing with the Czechoslovak calligraphy and new hand lettering forms.

What did you do the most when you were a kid?
 Wow tons of things! Never just one. Mostly playing and having fun – being in nature. Exploring my fantasy. I had a gorgeous childhood.

What fascinates you?
 Almost everything. With getting focused and specialised in only one field, I find everything around that is super fascinating and impressive. From micro to macro size.

How does your brain work?
 Explosion of random questions are battling with unreal fantasies and scenarios. It’s quite a mess. But I can be super focused on one issue whenever I want.

Where do you get your inspiration from? 
From observation. Both amazing and super ugly stuff. I’ve still got a lot of space in my memory. All inputs will merge inside me and produce new letterforms or serious illness. Let’s wait and see.

What is your favourite place on earth? 
By the sea and in Czech Republic of course.

How come you ended up studying design? 
Gradually. Learning step by step from early age. I’m still studying and I always will.

What do you do when you are stuck?
 I talk to my colleagues who are my best friends to get other perspectives. They’ve got totally different aesthetics and minds. Showing work and discussing about it over a beer together is the best possible way to go.

What is your favourite tool in typography?
 Pencil & pen. I love to draw, sketch and write in the old way. And I kind of torture the pencils.

Do you have an (design) affair next to typography?
 Comic books and comic lettering. I’m thinking about doing some comic lettering font. (Hush!)

Do you have anything you struggle with on a regular basis? 
Lack of a daily routine and regular rhythm – like time for sports or free time generally. When I’ve got time to calm and do routine jobs like filling empty markers or do stuff like a robot I come up with the best ideas for long-term issues.

A piece of advise…
 Work hard and travel a lot!

  • Sketchbook

    Petra Docekalová
    Edition No. 103


Interview with artist Petra Dočekalová

Petra Dočekalová studied Type Design and Typography at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. Her main fields of interest is editorial work like Typo9010 which won several awards all over the world. Besides being a type designer, Petra is a passionate sign painter and lettering artist, always working on new (digital) scripts. She received TDC Award of excellence for her diploma project dealing with the Czechoslovak calligraphy and new hand lettering forms.

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