Interview with Miró Ingmar Tiebe aka MIRUEL – Insights into his second book FIELD

Miró Ingmar Tiebe aka MIRUEL is an illustrator from Hamburg, Germany. In his works he is always looking for more variety in his style. He is influenced by the stylistics of Art Nouveau and many science fiction artists of the 70’s and 80’s, as well as contemporary graphic design and long walks through nature, where he likes to observe the forms of plants and landscapes. By combining all these differences in his work, he aims to creates new visual forms of expression and dynamics in illustration.


How has your style changed over the years?

My style changes all the time. And to be honest, my favorite thing is to see it as a challenge and the best thing that can happen to me is that my style never “stands still”, but is always evolving.



Do you come from a creative family?

My mother and father are both creative. My mother is a painter and my father is a writer.



What was the “aha” moment when you knew that illustration was what you wanted to do?

That moment was actually in my first semester of my Bachelor of Arts studies at HAW Hamburg, back in the days 2014.



Who inspired you the most?

Oh! So many different people. To name a few: illustrator Moobius, painter Heronimus Bosch, the multimedia artist HR Giger, illustrator Philippe Druillet, Yoshitaka Amano, painter Casper David Friedrich, Ernst Haeckel, illustrator John Austen.



What does a typical day look like for you?

My alarm goes off at 07:30, then two coffees + cigarette, shower, start work at 09:00 at the latest, work until 13:00, lunch, continue working until 18:00 or longer. That’s mostly the rhythm. I have realised that I need this very structured schedule and to start in the morning and not take it into the night.



What will you be doing in 10 years?

Maybe teaching at an art university.


What would you advise students or graduates who want to become an illustrators?

Do not get all your inspiration from social media if you want to create your own style.


Photos: Miruel